Today I am going to talk about how to create your first Spring Boot application. But before that someone would like to question what is this and why should I use it. So first I will tell you why you should start using Spring Boot for your coming applications and also try migrating old spring applications. But there is a mandatory requirement for spring boot. You must know either Maven or Gradle to start using SApring Boot.
Why should I use Spring Boot?
It is almost 15 years about the first beta release of the Spring framework. We had every configuration xml based. As it developed further, it moved on to the Java based configuration. But whether it is XML based or Java based you have to do a lot of configs to set up your application. If its a web application with hibernate and other spring features configs just get added up and u cant forget about that famous DispatcherServlet in spring.
Here Spring Boot comes to your rescue. It requires the minimal setup. So, how does everything work without those config in Boot. Yes its very smart. It detects the controllers services components entities security config classes automatically. Depending on the dependencies mentioned in Maven or Gradle it auto detects configuration. You don't even have to map location of your resources i.e. css js images themes. If you need some special config and sometimes you will need it as all those can't be auto-detected like your datasource url password etc which can be easily done using a single properties file named Since this is just the start so we will build a Hello Worl Spring Boot.
Let's start and see how to build your first Hello World Spring Boot app
We will be using Intellij IDEA to create the project. We prefere first creating an empty project and then adding a Spring Boot application module. This way you can have a root project with multiple modules.
1. Open Intellij IDEA and create an empty project.
2. Go to New > Module
3. Choose Spring Initializer from the option
4. Enter Maven details like groupid, artifactid, packaging etc.
5.In the next window select the dependencies. We chose only web
6. Next enter Module name and location and click on Finish. That's it. We can now write the codes
Lets start writing codes
Get the entire code from GitHub
Cheers. Happy Coding :)
Why should I use Spring Boot?
It is almost 15 years about the first beta release of the Spring framework. We had every configuration xml based. As it developed further, it moved on to the Java based configuration. But whether it is XML based or Java based you have to do a lot of configs to set up your application. If its a web application with hibernate and other spring features configs just get added up and u cant forget about that famous DispatcherServlet in spring.
Here Spring Boot comes to your rescue. It requires the minimal setup. So, how does everything work without those config in Boot. Yes its very smart. It detects the controllers services components entities security config classes automatically. Depending on the dependencies mentioned in Maven or Gradle it auto detects configuration. You don't even have to map location of your resources i.e. css js images themes. If you need some special config and sometimes you will need it as all those can't be auto-detected like your datasource url password etc which can be easily done using a single properties file named Since this is just the start so we will build a Hello Worl Spring Boot.
Let's start and see how to build your first Hello World Spring Boot app
We will be using Intellij IDEA to create the project. We prefere first creating an empty project and then adding a Spring Boot application module. This way you can have a root project with multiple modules.
1. Open Intellij IDEA and create an empty project.
2. Go to New > Module
3. Choose Spring Initializer from the option
4. Enter Maven details like groupid, artifactid, packaging etc.
5.In the next window select the dependencies. We chose only web
6. Next enter Module name and location and click on Finish. That's it. We can now write the codes
Lets start writing codes
Create folder src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jsp to put in your jsp file4.0.0 com.innova spring-boot-intro 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT war spring-boot-intro Demo project for Spring Boot org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-parent 1.5.6.RELEASE UTF-8 UTF-8 1.8 org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-web org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-tomcat provided org.springframework.boot spring-boot-starter-test test org.springframework.boot spring-boot-maven-plugin
spring.mvc.view.prefix=/WEB-INF/jsp/ spring.mvc.view.suffix=.jsp
package com.innova.controller; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; @Controller @RequestMapping("/") public class PageController { @RequestMapping("/") public String home() { return "index"; } }index.jsp
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>Watch our entire videoSpring Boot Intro Hello World
Get the entire code from GitHub
Cheers. Happy Coding :)
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