Sunday 19 November 2017

SOA 12c - How to setup Maven for your SOA project

In this article we will take you through the steps so that you can use Maven to build your project outside SOA Suite. You can create build and deploy directly from SOA Suite, but what about when someone gives you a SOA project and you just want to build and deploy. Do you really need to open up SOA Suite in this case? No right. Now any SOA project will have a default pom file but you cannot compile or package using maven directly as the sar packaging and all oracle libraries are not available in Maven repo. So you have to install all libraries in your local repo and update the archetype. S lets take a look at tge steps

Analog Output - How to control brightness of LED using Arduino

Today we are going to tell you how you can generate analog output from Arduino. You can use this output to do various tasks. One of the most easiest and simplest thing is controlling brightness of an LED.
Arduino has several PWM pins. You can use this pins to vary the output . So once you are able to vary the output you can do several tasks. One of the most important application is controlling speed of the motors.

Sunday 5 November 2017

Introducing Spring Boot - How to create your first Spring Boot Application

Today I am going to talk about how to create your first Spring Boot application. But before that someone would like to question what is this and why should I use it. So first I will tell you why you should start using Spring Boot for your coming applications and also try migrating old spring applications. But there is a mandatory requirement for spring boot. You must know either Maven or Gradle to start using SApring Boot.
Why should I use Spring Boot?
It is almost 15 years about the first beta release of the Spring framework. We had every configuration xml based. As it developed further, it moved on to the Java based configuration. But whether it is XML based or Java based you have to do a lot of configs to set up your application. If its a web application with hibernate and other spring features configs just get added up and u cant forget about that famous DispatcherServlet in spring.